Here I am...
Ok, I know you're looking at the title and giving me the side eye (O_o) but hear me out. What I'm about to say may hurt some feelings but the perks of having my hair cut low, is that I feel ultra fearless, so:
Going natural is not just about hair.
There. I said it. Of course these are my views and you can definitely feel free to disagree. Going natural is more than about hair. Its pointless if other changes aren't made with it. I was "natural" for a long time but only yesterday did I fully understand the concept. I want my outsides to be beautiful, but even more so... My insides.
"They" say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Well, the same applies here too: if I go natural but still keep all of my old hair habits and expect my hair to be magically different, yup, I'm insane.
Its funny. Without a lifestyle change --- its the same brittle, slow growing hair, with a kink - Bwaahaahahahahahaha (now that's funny).
"Well why? I thought you said you weren't going to cut your hair again!" --- Ans: I know. I'm sorry if your disappointed. This one I did for me. I don't believe in accidents. I went to the barber with with my heart set on a Frohawk (which I'm still gonna get later on) and he "messed up"... I had been toying with the idea for a while. I'd been using wigs to hide my discontent with my hair (more about that later) and once again the things going on in my life had reached a pinnacle. I flowed with my barber.... "Just cut it, please" I asked sweetly. And he did.
Hope you understand.
Yes, the goal is still locs --- but until then, I'm finally going to embark on and enjoy the natural experience.
Just me.
No wigs this time. (If you see me backslide on this one, you have my permission to snatch it off my head and burn it on sight)
Just me. (Regenerate: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual)