I have a friend who constantly skips breakfast. It irks me… really… as a food lover, this hurts me. I hate to admit it but Momma was right.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I dream about food. In the mornings… I can't wait to realize the pancakes topped with fruit and whipped cream. I wasn't always this way. My Momma would get on me too about breakfast – until I tried it and saw the difference for myself. Point is – even if it's fruit, a bowl of cereal, chocolate covered ants – whatever floats your boat; just have breakfast!
Facts about Breakfast
• The word Breakfast came about because it means breaking the fast after one has not eaten (fasted) since the night before
• Breakfast tells your body to stop the fast and get your motor running. Breakfast gives you energy and gets your brain to functioning
• People who eat breakfast are less likely to over eat at Lunch time. Why? Because their body is not going through those stomach quivers that we get when we are hungary. Those quivers make us over eat.
• People who eat breakfast usually do better at work and at school. (That's why you were passed over for the promotion – smh @ you!)
• Desayuno is Spanish for breakfast - just drop that into this morning's conversation
• Breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper.
• If you don't eat breakfast, your body is like a computer with no power
• Cereal is the number one food bought in supermarkets today. The first breakfast cereal was created in 1863 in New York by a vegetarian. (Think about that the next time you munch on your Cheerios meat eaters!)
• "Eating breakfast of any kind prevent(s) many of the adverse effects of fasting," such as irritability and fatigue, according to Bonnie Spring, Ph.D. , University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School.
• "Breakfast can establish the tone for the next 16 hours (of each day after eating it). Why not treat yourself to a nice meal and a quality hour to collect yourself and focus on what's important?"
• 40% spend less than 10 minutes preparing and eating their breakfast during the week. (You mean to tell you can't get up 10 minutes earlier – gimme a cotton pickin' break!)
• Breakfast will kick start your metabolism which can assist weight control. Skipping meals sets up extreme hunger patterns later in the day, resulting in excess calorie intake.
My Momma always says – You don't lose weight by not eating – keep that in mind the next time you think skipping breakfast will help you keep the weight off – smh!
That's all for now